Friday, February 26, 2010

My Weekend.

Today I'm going to go to Rosa's house as soon as I get out of class. I'm going to go with her to an appointment Daisy has. Then on Saturday I'm going out with Rosa and Daisy to the mall or somewhere. On Sunday I'm going to sleep and stay home and go online or watch T.V.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mrs. Van Daan.

Mrs. Van Daan is a rude person. She's also selfish and always mean to every one. Mrs. Van Daan is stupid and like saying lots of stupid stuff to people. She also like to fight with her men over stupid things. She likes every thing to be perfect and she's always looking nice.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Anne's father.

Anne's father is a good dad. He takes care of his family and protects them. He does not care if there's another family there with them. He did something good for bringing Anne's diaries out for people to read it.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Field Trip

It was a fun field trip I had fun. I didn't like that It was crowded in there. Rosa and I couldn't stay there for long because we had to go somewhere. I had like 4 years I had not been at the capitol. It still looks the same It hasn't change a thing.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I get my news at work. I always grab the newspaper and read it when I'm done with my work. I don't really like watching the news on T.V. Half of the things in the news that they show on T.V is fake that's why I don't really like watching T.V. I also know that that's one of the things they use to brainwash people. So I think Its better to read.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is the diary a good way to learn about ww2.

I think It's not a good way to learn about world war 2. The reason why is because she's mostly just talking about her and her family. Shes not really talking about the war. Anne needs to talk more about what's happening out side the hiding place. The reason why is because people want too know whats happening outside the place shes at.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Love is.

Love to me is when my family spends time with me. When parent's work really hard just so that their kids would have a better future. Also love is when you can't get a person out of your head, and all you do is think about them. Love is when Your family helps you and are there for you.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wat im doing this weekend.

On Saturday I'll probably will sleep good and watch T.V. Then I'm going to relax till 9:30 because then I have to go to work. On Sunday I'm going to go see my daughter and take Daisy and Rosa out Shopping. Then I'm going to take them to eat something. Then I'm going to chill at Rosa's house and spend time with her family.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Evaluate Anne Frank.

So far the story sounds good and its interesting to read Anne Frank. I had herd about this book before from Rosa and it sounds like it's a good story. Well I like this book because its a good story and its got lots of drama. One thing I don't like is the words that she use. the words are kind of hard for me to understand. I think the setting is good its a good time for the story. A reason why is because I dont think they would do something like that to people this days.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

what irritates me.

I hate it when people don't close their mouth when chewing gum. Another thing that irritates me is when people make fun at other people of the way they dress. Also when people don't like to share with you but they want you to share with them. My mom gets irritated by me when I don't pick up the plate I eat on. Another thing when I don't clean the mess in my room.